Meet the Kids & Their Community
At this stage, the Muizenberg Beach Club has a core group of 12 teenage boys and are working towards starting a girls group in the near future. We are currently limiting our membership while we fine tune our working process before we expand further. Fewer club members means we can build stronger relationships with our members and prepare our older members for leadership positions (and possibly employment within the MBC) when we expand.
The Cape Flats
Muizenberg Beach Club members are all from the Cape Flats region in Cape Town, South Africa. The Cape Flats is a region notorious for its high rates of gang activity, drugs and violence.
Over 28,500 people reside in the community, with 11,000 youths under the age of 17.
High rates of poverty and lack of educational capital contributes to numerous social issues that include: high crime rates; gang activity; child abuse; drug and alcohol abuse; HIV/AIDS; STI’s; and high rates of teenage pregnancy.
Children in the community are often the ones who feel the scars of poverty at its worst.
With few opportunities for employment, parents struggle to provide for their families and meet the basic and essential needs for their children. As a result, the children are faced with a range of hardships over which they have very little control. This results in many youth adopting gang culture.
Elected officials, community members and youths themselves have expressed:
‘the key to solving the problem of crime and gang activity in Cape Town is through creating alternative activities for youths’.
The Muizenberg Beach Club provides our members with a healthy escape from the negative influences of a disadvantaged community.
Muizenberg Beach Club is a registerred non-profit company
MBC Youth Dev (Reg# 2011/134197/08)